Can Am X3
Fuel System
Install Guide

Justin Shriver
Updated on August 1, 2024
Supported Models
Supported Models : 2017+ Can Am Maverick X3 with the Turbocharged 0.9L I3
Note: The vehicle shown in this document is a modified 2020 Can Am Maverick X3 Turbo RR. Your vehicle
could have parts that may or may not be present in the pictures. The images are meant to be a reference only. If you
have any questions regarding your installation please reach out at
Item List
2017+ Can Am X3 FDM Contents |
Item # |
Description |
Qty |
1 |
Can Am X3 Fuel Rail |
1 |
2 |
Pressure Regulator Assembly |
1 |
3 |
06 ORB to 06 ORB Coupler |
1 |
4 |
04 AN Bulkhead Fitting |
1 |
5 |
04 AN Bulkhead Nut |
1 |
6 |
04 Stat O Seal Washer |
1 |
7 |
7/16″ External Tooth Lock Washer |
1 |
8 |
Map Reference Port Fitting |
1 |
9 |
4mm Black Silicone Hose (xx”) |
1 |
10 |
Injector Clips |
3 |
11 |
FDM Assembly |
1 |
12 |
Tube Mount |
1 |
13 |
M6 Hardware |
4 |
14 |
06 AN E85 Rated Hose (111″), 180° and Straight Crimp Ends (2 Seat) |
1 |
15 |
06 AN E85 Rated Hose (146″), 180° and Straight Crimp Ends (4 Seat) |
1 |
16 |
06 AN E85 Rated Hose (36″), 90° and 90° Crimp Ends |
1 |
17 |
06 AN E85 Rated Hose (48″), 90° and 90° Crimp Ends |
1 |
18 |
04 AN E85 Rated Hose (111″), 180° and Straight Crimp Ends (2 Seat) |
1 |
19 |
04 AN E85 Rated Hose (146″), 180° and Straight Crimp Ends (4 Seat) |
1 |
20 |
90° 3/8″ Female EFI to 06AN Male |
1 |
21 |
06 ORB Male to 06 AN Male |
5 |
22 |
06 ORB Male to 04 AN Male |
1 |
23 |
P-Clamp |
1 |
24 |
Edge Clips |
3 |
25 |
Wire Harness |
1 |
26 |
Fuse Holder Assembly |
1 |
27 |
Ring Terminal |
2 |
28 |
Metal Butt Splice |
2 |
29 |
Insulated Butt Splice |
1 |
30 |
Heat Shrink |
2 |
31 |
11″ Cable Ties |
10 |
32 |
3″ Miniature Cable Ties |
4 |
Return Style Fuel System
Removing the Fuel Pump Module
- Remove the right-side dashboard panel shown in figure 1 by removing all the hardware to gain access to the fuel pump. Remove the metal connector cover.
- Disconnect the power connector and crank the engine to bleed fuel pressure. Disconnect the battery once the pressure has bled.
- Disconnect the fuel line from the pump module. There may be fuel left in the fuel line.
- Remove the fuel pump locking ring and lift the fuel pump module out of the tank (drain as much fuel back into the tank as possible).

Figure 1: Dashboard Panel Reference

Figure 2: Factory Feed Line and Connector Reference
Modifying the Fuel Pump Module for Return Line
- Drill a 7/16” hole directly on the indent shown in figure 3. We recommend a Unibit, but it is also possible to start with a smaller drill bit and step up to a 7/16” bit.

Figure 3: Return Line Hole Reference
- Install the -4 straight bulkhead fitting. Use the stat-o-seal on the top of the pump module and the external tooth lock washer on the bottom.
- Install the EFI adapter onto the outlet of the fuel pump module. Pull on the adapter to ensure proper installation.
- Reinstall fuel pump module into the fuel tank. Use figure 4 as a reference for all connection orientations.

Figure 4: Connection reference
Fuel Rail, Injector, and Regulator Install
- Remove the rear engine cover.
- Disconnect the injector electrical connectors.
- Disconnect the fuel line from rail. There will still be fuel left in the fuel line.
- Remove the (2) bolts to uninstall the fuel rail.
- Once removed from the vehicle, install the supplied fittings onto the rail and regulator. Use figure 5 as a reference.
- Install the -6 ORB to -6 AN on the inlet of the rail on the driver’s side.
- Install the non-adjustable side of the -6 ORB swivel fitting on the outlet of the rail on the passenger’s side.
- Install the -6 ORB to -6 AN fitting onto the bottom of the regulator housing.
- Thread on the regulator housing to the swivel fitting until the threads bottom out, then back out one turn.
not tighten the lock nut.
- Install the ID injectors on the fuel rail using the supplied retaining clips (Apply grease on all O-rings).
- Install the fuel rail and injectors onto the manifold. Ensure all injectors are firmly seated (Take care, not to over tighten bolts).

Figure 5: Connection reference
- Orientate the fuel pressure regulator with the outlet pointing towards the rear of the car and tighten the lock nut to the regulator housing.
- Attach the injector connectors using the supplied electrical adapters.
- Install the 90° MAP reference fitting and connect the vacuum hose:
- Remove the block off plate shown in figure 6.
- Transfer the O-ring to the supplied 90° fitting and install the fitting into the intake manifold. Use figure 7 as reference.
- Push on the supplied 4mm vacuum hose onto the 90° fitting.
- Trim any excess length of the vacuum hose and push onto the pressure regulator barb.
- Secure the supplied (small) zip ties to each connecting end of the vacuum hose.

Figure 6: Block Off Plate Reference

Figure 7: 90° Fitting Reference
Installing FDM
Mounting the FDM
- Remove driver side rear fender.
- Install the FDM close to the firewall without touching and making sure the tank is level vertically. Use figure 8 and 9 as a reference.

Figure 8: FDM Mounting Reference

Figure 9: FDM Mounting Reference
Routing and Installing Fuel Lines
- Remove the passenger seat (2 seat), front and rear passenger seat (4 seat), by removing the two nuts from the front of the seat rail, the two nuts to the rear of the seat rail, and the bolts fastening the shoulder belts to the seat.
- Remove the right side lateral dash panel by removing all hardware and pulling the panel out of the retaining clips.
- Remove the lower dash panel shown in figure 10.

Figure 10: Lower Dash Panel
- Remove the rear hose support clip located at the firewall by pulling the clip towards the front of the car. Make note of the correct orientation for reinstallation.
- Remove the hose support cover (shown in figure 11) by uninstalling all hardware.
- Remove the factory fuel line from the vehicle. To do this, disconnect the two hoses in the center console. (Shown in figure 12).

Figure 11: Rear hose support cover.

Figure 12: Center Fuel Line Connector
- Route the long (111” for 2 seat, 146” for 4 seat) -6 and -4 hoses from the OEM fuel tank to the FDM through the same location in the center console as the OEM fuel line. The straight fitting of the -6 and 90° fitting of the -4 will connect to the OEM fuel pump. Use figure 13 as a reference.

Figure 13: Hoses and Fitting Reference.
- Press on the supplied edge clips along the driver side firewall panel shown in figures 14 and 15. Secure hoses with cable ties.

Figure 14: Lower Edge Clips Reference.

Figure 15: Upper Edge Clip Reference.
- Connect the 45” -6 hose to the outlet of the regulator. Route the hose towards the driver’s side of the vehicle.
- Install the 36” -6 hose onto the inlet of the fuel rail and route along the frame rail with the regulator return. Secure hoses to the frame rail as seen in figure 16.

Figure 16: Hose Routing Reference.
- Remove the air duct cover, as shown in figure 17, and remove the filter.

Figure 17: Air Duct Cover Reference.
- Secure both hoses from the rail using the supplied p-clamp and bolt location shown in figure 18.

Figure 18: Hose Routing Reference.
- Install the adapters and connect all four hoses to the FDM using figure 19 as reference. Ensure hoses are not rubbing on adjacent fittings. Take caution to not rotate top cap while tightening adapters and fittings.
- Port 1 – 6AN to 6 ORB. Feed to Rail Inlet (-6 hose with 90° fitting)
- Port 2 – 6AN to 6 ORB. Return from Regulator (-6 hose with 90° fitting)
- Port 3 – 6AN to 6 ORB. Feed from OEM Fuel Tank (-6 hose with 180° fitting)
- Port 4 – 4AN to 6 ORB. Return to OEM Fuel Tank (-4 hose with 180° fitting)

Figure 19: FDM Port Reference.
- Run all four electrical wires along the firewall with the two fuel hoses into the center console. Route the red and black wires to the battery located behind the passenger seat and the two gray wires to the OEM fuel pump.Trim excess wire.
- Cut the fuse holder’s wire loop to your desired leg lengths. Using the supplied blue butt splice, connect the red wire from the FDM to one leg of the fuse holder. Crimp a ring terminal to the other leg of the fuse holder.
- Crimp the other ring terminal to the black wire from the FDM.
- Using the metal butt splices and heat shrink, splice the two gray wires from the FDM into the OEM fuel pump power (purple with blue stripe) and ground (black with blue stripe). It does not matter which gray wire is hooked to the OEM pump power or ground.
- Connect the red and black wire’s ring terminals to the battery.
- Secure all wires with cable ties.
- With the electrical connector to the FDM unplugged, prime the fuel system to fill the FDM.
- Check for leaks
- Connect the FDM electrical connector and prime the fuel system. Listen for the pump to turn on and look for the blue LED on the underside of the FDM.
- Check for leaks.
Flash the ECU
- Generate ECU data by using the online generator located at and follow the directions to change the calibration.
- Once the ECU flash is complete, start the vehicle ensuring that there are no leaks in the fuel system (Caution: It is best to have a fire extinguisher within reach).
Reinstall All Remaining Parts
- Once you have ensured there are no leaks, reinstall all body panels and seats in the reverse order of removal.