Fuel Rail + Regulator Kit Installation Instructions (Return Style Kit)
- Fuel Pump Removal
- Modify the Factory Fuel Pump Assembly for Return Line and Regulator Plug install
- Fuel Rail, Injector, and Regulator Housing Install
- Fuel line Removal and Installation
- Reinstall Air box
- Flash the ECU
- Reinstall All Body Panels
Fuel Rail + Pulsation Damper Kit Installation Instructions (Returnless Style Kit)
Application Notes
Supported models: 2019+ Honda Talon 1000(2 seaters, all trims)
The vehicle shown in this document is a modified 2020 Honda Talon (2 seat). Your vehicle could have parts that may or may not be present in the pictures. The pictures are meant to be a reference only.
If you have any questions regarding your installation, contact us at
Item List
Honda Talon Fuel System Kit Components |
Item # |
Description |
Qty |
Fuel Rail + Regulator Kit (Return Style Kit) |
Fuel Rail + Pulsation Damper Kit (Returnless Style Kit) |
Fuel Rail Upgrade Kit |
1 |
Honda Talon Fuel Rail |
1 |
2 |
3 Bar Pressure Regulator / Pulsation Damper ASY |
1 |
3 |
Honda Talon Backing Plate |
1 |
4 |
Honda Talon IACV Plate |
1 |
5 |
5/32″ Hose Barb, 1/8″Npt |
1 |
6 |
Pilot Hole Bushing |
1 |
7 |
Stock Fuel Pressure Regulator Plug |
1 |
8 |
Fuel Rail Adapter for OE Injector |
1 |
9 |
06 ORB To 06 AN Male |
2 |
10 |
06 AN Orb Plug |
1 |
11 |
06 ORB To 06 ORB Coupler |
1 |
12 |
06 AN Male To 3/8” EFI |
1 |
13 |
06 Feed Hose (47″) w/ Straight and 90° Fittings |
1 |
14 |
06 Return Hose (51″) w/ Straight and 45° Fittings |
1 |
15 |
06 AN 90° Bulkhead |
1 |
16 |
06 AN Bulkhead Nut |
1 |
17 |
06 AN Stat-O-Seal |
1 |
18 |
4mm Black Silicone Hose (5.5″) |
1 |
19 |
11″ Cable Tie |
5 |
20 |
3″ Mini Cable Tie |
2 |
Fuel Rail + Regulator Kit Installation Instructions (Return Style Kit)
1. Fuel Pump Removal
- Remove passenger seat bottom cushion.
- Remove passenger seat and seat slider rails as one unit. See figure 1 as a reference to the seat rail.
- Remove all necessary hardware, and gas cap to remove the seat bottom cover.
- Disconnect the 4-pin power connector and crank the engine to bleed fuel pressure.
- Disconnect battery once the pressure has bled.
- Disconnect the fuel line and fuel tank breather hose.
- Remove the locking ring and lift out the fuel pump assembly (drain fuel back into the tank if possible).

Figure 1:Seat bottom cover panel and rail

Figure 2: Exposed fuel tank

Figure 3: Fuel Tank Reference
2. Modify Fuel Pump Assembly for Return Line and Regulator Plug Install
- Disconnect both electrical connectors and remove wires from retaining clips.
- Using needle nose pliers, remove the E-style clips from both rods ends and set them aside.
Figure 4: Connector orientation and routing
Figure 5: E clip reference
- Separate the top portion of the fuel pump assembly, leaving the black hose connected.
- Position the backing plate as seen in Figures 6-7 and clamp it into place.
- Start by drilling a 1/8” hole using the provided pilot hole bushing seen in figure 7. Then step up the drill size incrementally to 9/16”.
- Install 90° bulkhead fitting using the stat-o-seal on top. Use figure 8 below for fitting orientation.
Figure 8: Bulkhead Fitting Orientation
- Remove the pump housing from the basket by pinching the clips show in figure 9 and lifting the remaining clip.
- Remove the plastic retainer holding in the factory regulator by pinching the clips shown figure 10 and lifting the remaining clip.
- Remove the regulator and transfer the plastic ring over to the supplied plug under the larger O-ring. Use figure 11 as a reference.
- Insert plug into housing.
- Reassemble the fuel pump assembly in reverse order.
- Reinstall the fuel pump assembly into the fuel tank. Use figure 8 as a reference for all connections.
- Install the EFI adapter onto the outlet of the fuel pump.
Figure 6: Backing plate reference
Figure 7: Pilot hole bushing reference

Figure 9: Clip Reference

Figure 10: Clip Reference

Figure 11: Assembled Plug Reference
3. Fuel Rail, Injector, and Regulator Housing Install
- Remove air cleaner lid by turning the lock knobs.
- Remove snorkel cover located above the rear passenger side tire by removing the trim clips.
- Remove air cleaner housing. Use figures 12-14 for reference.
- Disconnect snorkel duct by loosening the connecting hose band screw and removing the trim clips.
- Disconnect the IAT sensor located on the back of the housing. (Refer figure 12).
- Release hose clip seen in figure 13.
- Disconnect crankcase breather hose.
- Loosen the two air cleaner connecting hose band screws seen in figure 14.
- Remove (3) 10mm mounting bolts.
- Disconnect IACV and injector electrical connectors seen in figure 15.
- Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail.
- Remove (4) 8mm bolts to uninstall the fuel rail and injectors. Make sure to set aside the factory cushions seen in figure 16 because they will be reused.
Figure 12: IAT sensor connector
Figure 13: Hose Clip Reference
Figure 14: Hose Clamp Reference
Figure 15: Electrical Connector Reference
Figure 16: Lower Cushion and IACV Plate Reference
Figure 17: Fuel Line Retaining Clip
- Remove (3) Phillips head bolts to remove the IACV cover plate (Take care not to strip out the heads of the bolts. Apply firm pressure while breaking loose)
- Install the new IACV plate provided in the kit.
- Wrap the hose barb adapter threads with thread tape and install the adapter into the plate.
- Remove factory fuel line retaining clip seen in figure 17.
- Install -06 fittings (Apply grease to all O-rings).
- Install the -06 ORB to -06 AN on the inlet of the rail towards the front of the vehicle.
- Install the -06 ORB swivel fitting on the outlet of the rail towards the rear of the vehicle. The adjustable lock nut needs to be installed into the regulator.
- Install the -06 ORB to -06 AN fitting into the bottom of the regulator housing.
- Thread on the regulator housing to the swivel fitting until the threads bottom out, then back out one turn. Do not tighten the lock nut.
- Install ID injectors into the fuel rail (Apply some grease on all O-rings)
- Install fuel rail and injectors onto the throttle body ensuring to properly seat the bottom of the injector on the factory cushions (Do not over tighten bolts). Use figure 18 as a reference.
- Tighten the lock nut to the regulator housing. Use figure 19 as a reference to the regulator housing orientation.
- Connect the supplied vacuum hose to the regulator and hose barb on the IACV plate. Secure the hose ends with the provided 3” cable ties.
- Reconnect IACV and injector electrical connections using the supplied adapters for the injectors.
Figure 18: Injector and rail reference
Figure 19: : Vacuum and electrical connector reference.
Figure 20: Regulator housing orientation
4.Fuel Line Removal and Installation
- Remove the factory fuel line from the two retaining clips located above the drive shaft and two brackets located on the firewall and driver side of the engine. Refer to figures 21 and 23.
- Remove two of the rubber retaining sleeves from the factory fuel line by removing the electrical tape.
- Install one of the rubber sleeves on the new feed line (shorter hose) 13.5” down from the 90° fitting
- Route the new feed line in the same location as the factory fuel line, reusing the two clips above the drive shaft. Insert the rubber sleeve into the bracket on the firewall, see figure 21. Tighten both fittings.
- Install the second rubber sleeve onto the return line (longer hose), 12” down from the straight connector.
Figure 21: Firewall bracket location.
Figure 22: Connector reference
- Route return line as shown in figures 22-24. Install the rubber sleeve into the bracket on the side of the engine. Tighten both fittings. Use zip ties to fasten the return line to the frame as seen in figure 24.
- Reconnect battery and prime the fuel system to check for leaks in the pressurized system.
Figure 23: Engine bracket location.
Figure 24: Routing Reference
5. Reinstall Air box
- Reinstall air box in the reverse order that it was removed
6. Flash the ECU
- Generate ECU data by using the online Injector Dynamics Dynojet PV3 generator and follow the directions to make the changes in the calibration.
- Once the ECU flash is complete, start the vehicle ensuring that there are no leaks in the fuel system (Always have a fire extinguisher close by).
7. Reinstall All Body Panels
- Once you have ensured there are no leaks, reinstall all body panels in the reverse order of removal.
Fuel Rail + Pulsation Damper Kit Installation Instructions (Returnless Style Kit)
1. Access the Fuel Pump
- Remove passenger bottom seat cushion.
- Remove passenger seat and seat slider rails as one unit.
- Remove the center console cover by removing all the necessary trim clips. Refer figure 1.
- Remove all necessary trim clips, socket bolts, and gas cap to remove the seat bottom cover.
- Disconnect the 4-pin power connector and crank the engine to bleed fuel pressure. Disconnect the battery
once the pressure has bled.Figure 1: Seat bottom cover panel and rail
Figure 2: Exposed fuel tank
Figure 3: Fuel Tank Reference
- Disconnect the factory fuel line.
2. Fuel Rail, Injector, and Pulsation Damper Installation
- Remove air cleaner cover by turning the lock knobs 90°.
- Remove snorkel cover located above the rear passenger side tire by removing the trim clips.
- Remove air cleaner housing. Use figures 4 through 6 for reference.
- Disconnect snorkel duct. Loosen the hose band screw and remove the trim clips.
- Disconnect IAT sensor located on the back of the housing. Refer figure 4.
- Release hose clip seen in figure 5.
- Disconnect crankcase breather hose.
- Loosen two hose band screws joining the air cleaner housing and throttle body seen in figure 6.
- Remove (4) 10mm mounting bolts.
- Disconnect IACV and injector electrical connectors seen in figure 7.
- Disconnect fuel line from the rail.
- Remove (4) 8mm bolts to uninstall the fuel rail and injectors. Make sure to set aside the factory lower cushions seen in figure 8. They are to be reused.
- Install -06 fittings.
- Install -06 ORB to -06 AN on the inlet of the rail towards the front of the vehicle.
- Install -06 ORB swivel fitting on the outlet of the rail towards the rear of the vehicle.
- Install the adjustable lock nut into the pulsation damper
- Install -06 ORB to plug into the bottom of the pulsation damper housing.
- Thread on the pulsation damper housing to the swivel fitting until the threads bottom out, then back out one turn. Do not tighten the lock nut.
- Install ID injectors into the fuel rail (Apply some grease on all O-rings)
- Install fuel rail and injectors onto throttle body ensuring to properly seat the bottom of the injector on the factory cushions (Do not over tighten bolts). Use figure 9 as a reference.
- Tighten the lock nut to the pulsation damper housing. Refer figure 10.
- Reconnect IACV and injector electrical connectors.
Figure 8: Lower Cushion and IACV Plate Reference
Figure 9: Injector and Rail Reference
Figure 10: Pulsation Damper housing orientation. (Picture shows the return style system)

Figure 4: IAT sensor connector

Figure 5: Hose Clip Reference

Figure 6: Hose Clamp Reference

Figure 7: Electrical Connector Reference
3. Fuel Line Removal and Installation
- Remove the factory fuel line from the two retaining clips located above the drive shaft and the bracket located on the firewall behind the driver’s seat. Use figure 12 as a reference.
- Remove one of the rubber retaining sleeves from the factory fuel line by removing the electrical tape. See figure 11.
- Install rubber retaining sleeve onto the new feed line 13.5” down from the 90° fitting.
- Route new feed line in the same location as the factory fuel line, reusing the two clips above the drive shaft. Insert the rubber sleeve into the bracket on the firewall, see figure 12.
- Install EFI adapter onto the outlet of the fuel pump.
- Connect and tighten both fittings of the new feed line.
Figure 11: Rubber Retaining Sleeve
Figure 12: Firewall Bracket Location
- Reconnect battery and prime the fuel system to check for leaks in the pressurized system.
4. Reinstall Air box
- Reinstall air box in the reverse order that it was removed
5. Flash the ECU
- Generate ECU data by using the online Injector Dynamics Dynojet PV3 generator and follow the directions to make the changes in the calibration.
- Once the ECU flash is complete, start the vehicle ensuring that there are no leaks in the fuel system (Always have a fire extinguisher close by).
6. Reinstall All Body Panels
- Once you have ensured there are no leaks, reinstall all body panels in the reverse order of removal.
Fuel Rail Upgrade Kit Installation Instructions
1. Access Fuel Pump
- Remove passenger bottom seat cushion.
- Remove passenger seat and seat slider rails as one unit.
- Remove the center console cover by removing all the necessary trim clips. Refer figure 1.
- Remove all necessary trim clips, hardware, and gas cap to remove the seat bottom cover.
- Disconnect the 4-pin power connector and crank the engine to bleed fuel pressure. Disconnect the battery once the pressure has bled.
- Disconnect the factory fuel line.

Figure 1:Seat bottom cover panel and rail

Figure 2: Exposed fuel tank

Figure 3: Fuel Tank Reference
2. Fuel Rail and Injector Install
- Remove air cleaner cover by turning the lock knobs 90°.
- Remove snorkel cover located above the rear passenger side tire by removing the trim clips.
- Remove air cleaner housing. Use figures 4 through 6 for reference.
- Disconnect snorkel duct. Loosen the hose band screw and remove trim clips.
- Disconnect IAT sensor located on the back of the housing. Refer figure 4.
- Release hose clip seen in figure 5.
- Disconnect crankcase breather hose.
- Loosen two hose band screws joining the air cleaner housing and throttle body seen in figure 6.
- Remove (4) 10mm mounting bolts.
- Disconnect IACV and injector electrical connectors seen in figure 7.
- Disconnect fuel line from the fuel rail.
- Remove (4) 8mm bolts to uninstall the fuel rail and injectors. Make sure to set aside the factory lower cushions seen in figure 8. They are to be reused.
Figure 7: Electrical Connector Reference
Figure 8: Lower cushion reference
Figure 9 : Fitting Reference
- Install -06 fittings into the Injector Dynamics Fuel Rail. As seen in figure 9.
- Install -06 ORB to -06 AN on the inlet of the rail which is towards the front of the vehicle.
- Install -06 ORB plug onto what would be the outlet of the rail which is towards the rear of the vehicle.
- Insert injectors into the adapters to install them into the fuel rail. Make sure to apply some lubricant to all O-rings. See figure 10.
- Install the fuel rail and injectors onto the throttle body ensuring to properly seat the bottom of the injectors on the factory cushions (Do not over tighten bolts). See figure 11.
- Reconnect IACV and injector electrical connectors

Figure 4: IAT sensor connector

Figure 5: Hose Clip Reference

Figure 6: Hose Clamp Reference
Figure 10: Injector and Adapter Reference
Figure 11: Rail and injector reference
3.Fuel Line Removal and Installation
- Remove factory fuel line from the two retaining clips located above the drive shaft and the bracket located on the firewall behind the driver’s seat. Use figure 13 as a reference.
- Remove one of the rubber retaining sleeves from the factory fuel line by removing the electrical tape. See figure 12.
- Install rubber retaining sleeve onto the new feed line 13.5” down from the 90° fitting.
- Route new feed line in the same location as the factory fuel line, reusing the two clips above the drive shaft. Insert the rubber sleeve into the bracket on the firewall, see figure 13.
- Install EFI adapter onto the outlet of the fuel pump.
- Connect and tighten both fittings of the new feed line.
Figure 12: Rubber Retaining Sleeve
Figure 13: Firewall Bracket Location
- Reconnect battery and prime the fuel system to check for leaks in the pressurized system.
4. Reinstall Air box
- Reinstall air box in the reverse order that it was removed
5. Reinstall All Body Panels
- Once you have ensured there are no leaks, reinstall all body panels in the reverse order of removal.