tech·nol·o·gy – The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
Technology is more than a buzzword. It is the means to increase power, to improve drive-ability, to simplify the tuning process.
It is technology that has taken us from carbureted gas guzzlers to 1000 hp daily drivers. It is technology that allows the auto manufacturers to offer 11 second street cars. And it is technology that will allow the motorsport community to keep up with rapid advancements made by the automobile manufacturers.
At Injector Dynamics, we are proud of our position as the technological leader, and proud of our ability to function at the same high level as the auto manufacturers.
To date, we are the only motorsport injector supplier providing emissions compliant high flow injectors to OE manufacturers. Namely, the twin turbo Noble M600 which meets strict European emissions specifications.
We are also the only supplier to have earned the title of authorized technical partner with the largest automotive supplier in the world.
Our partnership with Bosch Motorsport serves as testament to our vast technical capabilities, and commitment to high quality, as very few have earned this distinction. This partnership provides access to the highest level of automotive technology, and it is this technology that we offer to the motorsport community through products like the ID1300, which has set the standard for high flow fuel injectors.
Our goal has been, and always will be to improve the quality of the market through the application of current, and emerging technology. Just as the days of rebulding a carburetor in the back yard have passed, the days of testing injectors with diagnostic equipment from the 80’s has also passed.
Accurate injector characterization requires accurate test equipment, and we pride ourselves on having the best in the industry.
A few of the hi-lites include:
- All flow test equipment is designed and built in house
- NIST traceable calibration via in house flow proover
- Meets or exceeds all standards defined by SAE J1832
- Pressure Capability 1 bar – 10 bar
- Temperature Capability 0C – 80C
- Voltage Capability 6V – 24V
- Compatibility with all automotive fuels
We also offer the only hydraulic leak test bench in the industry, able to measure flow rates as low as 0.025 micro liters per minute.
This level of technology exists for one reason – to produce results.
At the end of the day, it is results that matter.
From the first GT-R in the 7′s, to the first 300mph motorcycle, Injector Dynamics was there. In fact, Injector Dynamics equipped cars have set so many records that we lost count years ago.
There is however, more to fuel injection than world records. Even more important are things like idle quality, tunability, consistency, and accuracy of supplied data. These are the qualities that have made us the tuners choice, because their reputation is dependent on the end result.
If you’re looking for bold claims, persuasive ads, and rock bottom pricing, you have numerous options.
If you’re looking for results, choose the company who provides the results that the rest compare themselves to.

As a results based engineering company, we have a STRICT no BS policy.
Our product information is backed by data, and sound engineering principles.
Our strict adherence to facts has earned the respect of many, but our willingness to call BS when we see it has created a great deal of controversy.
We accept this controversy as a small price to pay for holding the industry to a higher standard, and we will continue to push for a motorsport community that makes decisions based on facts, not buzzwords, nonsense, or outright falsehoods.